Governor Abbott Reappoints Gipson To Sabine River Compact Commission
Governor Greg Abbott has reappointed Jerry Gipson to the Sabine River Compact Commission for a term set to expire on July 12, 2022.
Governor Abbott Appoints Rector To Upper Guadalupe River Authority
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed William R. “Bill” Rector to the Upper Guadalupe River Authority for a term set to expire on February 1, 2017.
Governor Abbott Names Chair And Appoints Two To Department Of Information Resources
Governor Greg Abbott appoints chair and two other to Department of Information Resources (DIR).
Governor Abbott Appoints Two To Texas Ethics Commission
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Chad Craycraft and Katie Kennedy to the Texas Ethics Commission for terms set to expire November 19, 2019.
Governor Abbott Appoints Three To Judicial Compensation Commission
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Alejandro “Alex” Cestero and Scott Salmans and reappointed Bill Strawn to the Judicial Compensation Commission for terms set to expire February 1, 2021.
Governor Abbott Appoints Rangel To Texas Real Estate Broker Lawyer Committee
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Freddie “Fred” Rangel to the Texas Real Estate Broker Lawyer Committee for a term set to expire August 31, 2021.
Governor Abbott Appoints Three To Texas Crime Stoppers Council
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Joe Martino, Greg New and Steve Squier to the Texas Crime Stoppers Council for terms set to expire on September 1, 2020.
Governor Abbott Appoints Three To Product Development And Small Business Incubator Board
Governor Abbott has appointed Clement Marcus, Kelli Frias, Ph.D. and Jimmy Mize to the Product Development and Small Business Incubator (PDSBI) Board for terms set to expire February 1, 2021.