Governor Abbott Appoints Four To Texas Woman’s University Board Of Regents
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Carlos Gallardo to the Texas Woman's University Board of Regents for a term set to expire on February 1, 2021.
Governor Abbott Appoints Wilson To Camino Real Regional Mobility Authority
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Joyce Wilson as the presiding officer of the Camino Real Regional Mobility Authority for a term set to expire on February 1, 2021.
Governor Abbott Reappoints Parker To Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority
Governor Greg Abbott has reappointed Frank Parker, Jr. as the presiding officer of the Cameron County Regional Mobility Authority for a term set to expire on February 1, 2020.
Governor Abbott Appoints Harper To Sulphur River Regional Mobility Authority
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Harper Holland as the presiding officer of the Sulphur River Regional Mobility Authority for a term set to expire on February 1, 2021.
Governor Abbott Names Simmons Chair Of Texas Mutual Insurance Company Board Of Directors
Governor Greg Abbott has named Ron Simmons presiding officer of the Texas Mutual Insurance Company Board of Directors.
Governor Abbott Appoints Scott To Veterans’ Land Board
Governor Greg Abbott announced the appointment of Judson Scott to the Veterans’ Land Board (VLB) for a term set to expire on December 29, 2022.
Governor Abbott Appoints Four To Texas Emergency Services Retirement System Board of Trustees
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Edward Keenan, Rod Ryalls, and Stephanie “Steph” Wagner to the Texas Emergency Services Retirement System Board of Trustees for terms set to expire September 1, 2023. Additionally, he has reappointed Frank Torres for a term set to expire on September 1, 2019.
Governor Abbott Reappoints Gonzalez To Risk Management Board
Governor Greg Abbott has reappointed Tommy Gonzalez to the Risk Management Board for a term set to expire on February 1, 2023.