Governor Abbott Appoints Evans To Fifth Court of Appeals
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed David W. Evans to the Fifth Court of Appeals for a term set to expire on December 31, 2020, or until his successor shall be duly elected and qualified.
Governor Abbott Appoints Moore To The Governing Board Of The Texas School For The Deaf
The board oversees the provision of all School for the Deaf services, and is responsible for budget preparation, policy adoption and the appointment of the superintendent.
Governor Abbott Appoints Eight To Brazos River Authority Board Of Directors
The Board formulates plans deemed essential to the operation of the District and its administration in the control, storing, preservation and distribution of the storm and flood waters of the Brazos River and its tributary streams.
Governor Abbott Names Adriana Cruz Executive Director Of Economic Development And Tourism
Governor Greg Abbott today announced his appointment of Adriana Cruz as the Executive Director of the Economic Development and Tourism (EDT) division within the Office of the Governor.
Governor Abbott Appoints 10 To Texas Radiation Advisory Board
The board advises the state on radiation issues and reviews the rules, policies and programs of state agencies that regulate radiation.
Governor Abbott Appoints Three To Teacher Retirement System of Texas Board of Trustees
The TRS Board of Trustees manages retirement and other benefits for teachers and employees of the state’s public schools and institutions of higher education.
Governor Abbott Appoints Hunter And Whitehill To Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority
The authority assesses the scope of motor vehicle crime in Texas and supports a statewide law enforcement network through grants, auto theft reduction initiatives, education, and public awareness.
Governor Abbott Appoints Three To Sabine River Authority Board Of Directors
The purpose of the Sabine River Authority is to conserve, store, control, preserve, utilize, and distribute the storm and flood waters and the waters of the Sabine River and its tributaries.