
Jun 19

Governor Abbott Updates Disaster Declaration For Northeast Texas, Deploys Additional State Response Resources

Governor Greg Abbott today updated the state’s disaster declaration to include additional communities impacted by severe storms that caused widespread damage to electric infrastructure in the region.

Press Release

Jun 19

Governor Abbott Amends Severe Weather Disaster Declaration In June 2023

Governor Abbott Amends Severe Weather Disaster Declaration In June 2023


Jun 18

El Gobernador Abbott Actualiza Información Sobre Respuesta Del Estado Tras Impacto De Tormentas En El Noreste De Texas

El gobernador Greg Abbott proporcionó hoy una actualización sobre la respuesta del estado y la recuperación tras tormentas severas que han impactado con vientos dañinos, granizo e intensas lluvias.

Press Release

Jun 17

Governor Abbott Provides Update On State Response Following Perryton Tornado Damage

Governor Greg Abbott today held a briefing with state and local officials in Perryton and provided an update on the state’s ongoing response and recovery efforts at a press conference at the Ochiltree County Law Enforcement Center following severe storms and tornadoes on Thursday night in Ochiltree and Cass counties.

Press Release

Jun 17

Governor Abbott Adds Additional Counties To Severe Weather Disaster Declaration In June 2023

Governor Abbott Adds Additional Counties To Severe Weather Disaster Declaration In June 2023


Jun 16

Gobernador Abbott Firma Leyes Para Proteger Vidas Y Derechos De Texanos

El gobernador Greg Abbott firmó esta semana leyes que empoderan a los padres, protegerá a los texanos de la creciente crisis nacional de fentanilo y salvaguardará el deporte de mujeres durante la sesión legislativa regular 88º en el Capitolio de Texas.

Press Release

Jun 16

Governor Abbott Issues Disaster Declaration For Perryton Tornado Response

Governor Greg Abbott today issued a disaster declaration for Texas communities impacted by severe storms and tornadoes that caused significant damage to homes and businesses in Ochiltree and Cass counties.

Press Release

Jun 16

Governor Abbott Names New Deputy Chief Of Staff

Governor Greg Abbott today named Angela Colmenero as his new Deputy Chief of Staff. Jordan Hale, who began serving as Deputy Chief of Staff in October 2018, will be departing the Office of the Governor at the end of June.

Press Release