
Jan 20

Greg Abbott Delivers 2015 Texas Inaugural Speech

"There is no place like Texas. We will ensure that remains just as true for the next generation as it does for those here today. So, take a moment. Look at where you're standing or sitting right now. The ground beneath your feet is more than just grass or pavement. It’s the soil that centuries ago bore the hopes and dreams of settlers who risked it all to come to a land that promised freedom and opportunity. Scripture teaches us that tribulation produces perseverance, perseverance, character and character, hope. Texans are filled with hope because our lives have been infused with the perseverance and character that sprang from the tribulations faced by those who came before us. And we must make sure this hollowed ground stirs the hopes and dreams of those who come after us. We must keep Texas on a path that ensures that years from now people will stand on this very ground as grateful to this generation as we are to past generations. To do that we must do more than work to find common ground to solve our problems. We must seek higher ground that will continue to elevate Texas, not just as a leader in this nation, but as a leader in this world. Because as goes Texas, so goes America, and as goes America, so goes the world. So we must take the lead here in Texas – from Amarillo to McAllen, from El Paso to Beaumont. We must work together to ensure that even the future is bigger in Texas. May God bless each and every of you, and may God forever bless the great State of Texas."

Press Release

Jan 18

Governor Renews Proclamation Extending Drought Emergency

Governor has again renewed a proclamation extending drought emergency for specified counties due to the ongoing exceptional drought conditions across the state. The proclamation directs necessary resources be made available to aid response efforts and notes the ongoing strain on water resources.
