
Apr 27

Secretary Of State Cascos To Visit Mexico

Governor Greg Abbott today announced Texas Secretary of State Carlos Cascos will travel to Mexico City on April 27th-30th to deliver a message of bilateral collaboration on behalf of the State of Texas.

Press Release

Apr 23

Governor Abbott Meets With Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez

Governor Greg Abbott today welcomed President Juan Orlando Hernandez of the Republic of Honduras to Texas for a meeting and discussion on the Texas-Honduras economic relationship.

Press Release

Apr 23

Governor Abbott Statement On Passage Of Senate Early Education Bills

Governor Greg Abbott today issued a statement following the passage of several of his priority early education initiatives in the Texas Senate.

Press Release

Apr 23

ICYMI: Governor Abbott On The Laura Ingraham Show

Governor Greg Abbott today joined The Laura Ingraham Show to discuss the ongoing lawsuit against the Obama Administration’s executive amnesty order and the importance of securing the border, among other issues.

Press Release

Apr 22

Governor Abbott Appoints Three To Texas Southern University Board Of Regents

Governor Greg Abbott today appointed Wesley Terrell of Dallas, Derrick Mitchell of Houston and re-appointed Marilyn Agatha Rose of Houston to the Texas Southern University Board of Regents for terms to expire on February 1, 2021.


Apr 22

Governor Abbott Challenges Federal EPA On Proposed Regional Haze Regulations

Governor Greg Abbott submitted comment to the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s Air Planning Section regarding the agency’s proposed “regional haze” rule and the its unlawful attempt to force a federal implementation plan on Texas in place of an already-developed state implementation plan.

Press Release

Apr 21

Governor Abbott Appoints Solis To Board Of Pardons And Paroles

Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Colonel Lionel F. "Fred" Solis, U.S. Army Retired, of San Antonio, Texas to the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles for a term to expire February 1, 2021.

Press Release

Apr 20

Governor Abbott Supports Florida’s Decision To Take Legal Action Against Expansion of Obamacare

Governor Greg Abbott today issued a statement supporting Governor Rick Scott’s (R-FL) decision to take legal action against the Obama administration for halting federal funds in an attempt to force states to expand Obamacare.

Press Release