Governor Abbott Appoints Six To Governor’s Committee On People With Disabilities
Governor Greg Abbott appoints six to the Governor's Committee On People With Disabilities.
Governor Abbott Appoints Grant To 9th Judicial District Court
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Phil Grant as judge of the 9th Judicial District Court.
Governor Appoints Seven To Radiation Advisory Board
Governor Greg Abbott appoints seven to the Texas Radiation Advisory Board.
Governor Abbott Invites CDC To Review Texas’ Zika Virus Preparedness And Response Plan
Governor Greg Abbott today invited the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to come to Texas and review Texas' Zika Virus Preparedness and Response Plan.
Federal Disaster Declaration Granted For Texas Counties
The President today granted Governor Greg Abbott's federal disaster request for Individual Assistance for all 12 counties affected by the recent flooding.
Governor Abbott Participates In White House Conference Call With Governors On Zika Virus
Governor Greg Abbott today participated in a conference call for Governors hosted by the White House and led by Secretary of Health and Human Services and Center for Disease Control and Prevention Director.
Governor Abbott Requests Presidential Disaster Declaration for Texas Counties
Governor Greg Abbott today requested Individual and Public Assistance for 12 Texas counties.
Governor Abbott Adds 15 Counties To Disaster Declaration
Governor Greg Abbott today added Brown, Caldwell, Callahan, Clay, Comanche, Eastland, Falls, Hardin, Harris, Houston, Madison, Somervell, Stephens, Travis, and Trinity Counties to his June 1st disaster declaration.