
Jan 20

Governor Abbott Names Presiding Officer And Appoints Three To Texas Board Of Architectural Examiners

Governor Abbott has appointed Jennifer Walker and Bob Wetmore and reappointed Chase Bearden to the Texas Board of Architectural Examiners for terms set to expire January 31, 2021. The Governor additionally named Debra Dockery as presiding officer for a term to expire at the pleasure of the Governor.


Jan 20

Governor Abbott Announces Texas Apprenticeship Program

Following the first day of his business development trip in Switzerland, Governor Greg Abbott today announced Texas will be partnering with three Swiss companies to participate in an apprenticeship program.

Press Release

Jan 20

Governor Abbott Proclaims January 2016 to be Crime Stoppers Month

Governor Greg Abbott declares the month of January to be Crime Stoppers Month.


Jan 20

Governor Abbott Issues Directive On Iran Divestiture Policy

Governor Greg Abbott today sent a letter to Texas retirement agencies informing them that it will continue to be the policy of the State of Texas to prohibit the investment of taxpayer dollars in Iran despite President Obama’s announcement last week that he is lifting sanctions against Iran.

Press Release

Jan 19

Governor Abbott Appoints Three To Economic Incentive Oversight Board

Governor Abbott has appointed Adriana Cruz, Trevor Pearlman and Massey Villarreal to the Economic Incentive Oversight Board for terms to expire at the pleasure of the Governor.


Jan 19

Governor Abbott Attends Luncheon With Israeli Business Leaders

Governor Greg Abbott today attended a luncheon hosted by the Israeli Consulate of the Southwest to discuss investment, economic development and strengthening commercial ties between Texas and Israel.

Press Release

Jan 18

Governor Abbott And First Lady Cecilia Abbott Visit Israeli Historical Sites

Governor Greg Abbott and First Lady Cecilia Abbott today visited several historical sites while on their trip to Israel.

Press Release

Jan 18

Governor Abbott Meets With Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu

Governor Greg Abbott today met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss Texas and Israel's historic bond and how he can further solidify their relationship.

Press Release