
Jul 28

Governor Abbott Thanks Lawmakers For Supporting Legislation Limiting Growth In State Spending

The following lawmakers have declared their support for HB 208 and SB 9, which address Governor Abbott’s call to limit the growth in state spending to no more than the growth of population and inflation.

Press Release

Jul 28

Governor Abbott Thanks Lawmakers For Supporting Legislation Preempting Mobile Device Ordinances

The following lawmakers have declared their support for HB 171 or SB 15, which address Governor Abbott’s call for legislation to preempt all local ordinances that regulate the use of mobile devices in vehicles.

Press Release

Jul 28

Governor Abbott Thanks Lawmakers For Supporting Legislation Preventing Cities From Regulating Trees On Private Land

The following lawmakers have declared their support for HB 70 or SB 14, which address Governor Abbott’s call to prevent cities from regulating trees on private land.

Press Release

Jul 28

Governor Abbott Thanks Lawmakers For Supporting Legislation Establishing A School Finance Commission

The following lawmakers have declared their support for HB 191 or SB 16, which address Governor Abbott’s call to establish a school finance commission.

Press Release

Jul 28

Governor Abbott Thanks Lawmakers For Supporting Legislation Restricting Municipal Annexation

The following lawmakers have declared their support for HB 6 or SB 6, which address Governor Abbott’s call to restrict municipal annexation.

Press Release

Jul 28

Governor Abbott Thanks Lawmakers For Supporting Legislation Extending The Maternal Mortality And Morbidity Task Force

The following lawmakers have declared their support for HB 9 or SB 17, which address Governor Abbott’s call for extending the Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Task Force.

Press Release

Jul 26

Small Business Administration Grants Governor Abbott’s Request For Disaster Assistance For Tom Green County

Governor Greg Abbott's request to declare Tom Green County a disaster area was granted today by the United States Small Business Administration (SBA) following severe storms that caused major damage across the county the weekend of June 23rd through 26th.

Press Release

Jul 26

ICYMI: Governor Greg Abbott: Local Property Tax Burden Is Crushing The Texas Dream

Governor Greg Abbott wrote an op-ed featured in the Houston Chronicle today that expressed his commitment to reining in skyrocketing property taxes.

Press Release