
Jun 19

Governor Abbott Appoints Beeson To Correctional Managed Health Care Committee

Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Jeff Beeson, D.O. for a term set to expire on February 1, 2021.


Jun 18

Governor Abbott Appoints Williamson To Aerospace And Aviation Advisory Committee

Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Jennifer Kurth Williamson to the Aerospace and Aviation Advisory Committee for a term set to expire on September 1, 2021.


Jun 18

Governor Abbott Appoints Jerry Romero To Texas Workforce Investment Council

Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Jerry Romero to the Texas Workforce Investment Council for a term set to expire on September 1, 2019.


Jun 17

WEB VIDEO: Texas Celebrates Beer-To-Go Sales

The Office of Governor Greg Abbott today released a web video highlighting legislation recently signed that will allow beer-to-go sales throughout Texas and extends the life of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for ten more years.

Press Release

Jun 15

Governor Abbott Signs House Bill 1 (86R)

Governor Abbott Signs House Bill No. 1

Jun 15

Governor Abbott vetoes SB. 2456 (86R)

Governor Abbott vetoes Senate Bill No. 2456

Jun 15

Governor Abbott vetoes SB 1861 (86R)

Governor Abbott vetoes Senate Bill No. 1861

Jun 15

Governor Abbott vetoes SB 1793 (86R)

Governor Abbott vetoes Senate Bill No. 1793