
Feb 21

Governor Abbott Announces JETI Expansion Project In El Paso County

Governor Greg Abbott yesterday announced the fourth project under the new Texas Jobs, Energy, Technology, and Innovation (JETI) program is Vinton Steel, LLC (“Vinton Steel”), a subsidiary of Kyoei Steel LTD (“Kyoei Steel”), headquartered in Osaka, Japan, during a press conference at Vinton Steel in Vinton, Texas.

Press Release

Feb 20

Governor Abbott Congratulates Bandera As Tourism Friendly Texas Certified Community

Governor Greg Abbott today congratulated the City of Bandera on being designated as a Tourism Friendly Texas Certified Community by Travel Texas in the inaugural year of the program after completing the multi-step certification process.

Press Release

Feb 19

Governor Abbott Announces Texas Semiconductor Innovation Fund Grant To Silicon Labs

Governor Greg Abbott today announced that the third Texas Semiconductor Innovation Fund (TSIF) grant of $23,250,000 has been extended to Silicon Laboratories, Inc. (“Silicon Labs”) for their new research and development (R&D) operation in Austin, which is expected to create more than $80 million in capital investment.

Press Release

Feb 18

Governor Abbott Announces Killeen Designated Music Friendly Texas Certified Community

Governor Greg Abbott today announced that the City of Killeen has been designated by the Texas Music Office (TMO) as a Music Friendly Texas Certified Community after completing the multi-step certification process.

Press Release

Feb 18

Governor Abbott Announces Music Friendly Texas Community Workshop In City Of Fate

Governor Greg Abbott today announced the Texas Music Office (TMO) and the City of Fate will co-host an in-person and virtual Music Friendly Texas Community workshop on February 24.

Press Release

Feb 18

Governor Abbott Champions School Choice In San Antonio

Governor Greg Abbott last night championed school choice for all Texas families while also making Texas No. 1 for education during a Parent Empowerment Night at San Antonio Christian School (SACS) in San Antonio.

Press Release

Feb 17

El Gobernador Abbott Proporciona Actualización Sobre La Respuesta De Texas A Amenazas De Clima Severo En El Estado

El día de hoy el Gobernador Greg Abbott proporcionó una actualización en conferencia de prensa sobre la respuesta de Texas a las amenazas de incendios forestales en el oeste de Texas, posibles inundaciones repentinas en el este de Texas y el clima invernal severo que afecta a grandes partes del estado después de una sesión informativa con funcionarios estatales en el Centro de Operaciones Estatales en Austin.

Press Release

Feb 14

El Gobernador Abbott Activa Recursos De Emergencia Del Estado Ante Las Amenazas De Clima Severo E Incendios Forestales

El Gobernador Greg Abbott ordenó hoy a la División de Manejo de Emergencias de Texas (TDEM, por sus siglas en inglés) que active los recursos de respuesta a emergencias del estado ante el aumento de las amenazas de clima severo este fin de semana, incluidas las ráfagas de viento dañinas, posibles tornados y fuertes lluvias el sábado en partes del este de Texas, así como el peligro crítico de incendios forestales en el oeste de Texas.

Press Release