Texas Es Nombrado El Mejor Ambiente Empresarial En Estados Unidos Por Segundo Año Consecutivo
El Gobernador Greg Abbott celebró hoy que Site Selection Magazine nombró a Texas como el estado con mejor clima de negocios del país por segundo año consecutivo.
Governor Abbott Appoints Four To State Board Of Veterinary Medical Examiners
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Lawrence “Larry” Moczygemba, D.V.M. to the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners for a term set to expire on August 26, 2025.
Governor Abbott Lauds Texas’ Manufacturing Industry In Corrigan
Governor Greg Abbott today celebrated the grand opening of the new Corrigan OSB, LLC (“Oriented Strand Board”) facility and lauded Texas’ robust manufacturing industry at the opening ceremony in Corrigan.
Governor Abbott Congratulates Mansfield As Tourism Friendly Texas Certified Community
Governor Greg Abbott today congratulated the City of Mansfield on being designated as the sixth Tourism Friendly Texas Certified Community by Travel Texas in the inaugural year of the program after completing the multi-step certification process.
Governor Abbott Appoints Rodriguez To State Pension Review Board
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Roel “Roy” Rodriguez, P.E. to the State Pension Review Board for a term set to expire on January 31, 2029.
Governor Abbott Announces Music Friendly Texas Community Workshop In Leakey
Governor Greg Abbott today announced the Texas Music Office (TMO), the City of Leakey, and Visit Leakey will co-host an in-person and virtual Music Friendly Texas Community workshop on Monday, November 4 in Leaky.
Governor Abbott Congratulates Rockwall As Tourism Friendly Texas Certified Community
Governor Greg Abbott today congratulated the City of Rockwall on being designated as the fifth Tourism Friendly Texas Certified Community by Travel Texas in the inaugural year of the program after completing the multi-step certification process.
Governor Abbott Appoints Gorman To Texas Ethics Commission
Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Sean Gorman to the Texas Ethics Commission for a term set to expire on November 19, 2027.