Governor Greg Abbott Headshot

Gobernador Greg Abbott

Nombrado "el Mejor Gobernador de la Nación" en 2020, el gobernador Greg Abbott continúa construyendo sobre su historial como un líder conservador fuerte que lucha por mantener los valores de Texas.


El gobernador Abbott tiene muchas cosas que quiere lograr para que Texas sea más fuerte y esté lista para el futuro.

Las Iniciativas del Gobernador


El Gobernador Greg Abbott y su personal desean escuchar sus opiniones. Haga clic a continuación y déjenos saber cómo podemos ayudarlo.

Póngase en contacto con el gobernador Ab

Feb 14

El Gobernador Abbott Activa Recursos De Emergencia Del Estado Ante Las Amenazas De Clima Severo E Incendios Forestales

El Gobernador Greg Abbott ordenó hoy a la División de Manejo de Emergencias de Texas (TDEM, por sus siglas en inglés) que active los recursos de respuesta a emergencias del estado ante el aumento de las amenazas de clima severo este fin de semana, incluidas las ráfagas de viento dañinas, posibles tornados y fuertes lluvias el sábado en partes del este de Texas, así como el peligro crítico de incendios forestales en el oeste de Texas.

Feb 14

Governor Abbott Works With U.S. Border Czar Homan, Texas Congressional Delegation On Border Security Operations

Governor Greg Abbott, the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), and the Texas National Guard continue to work together with the Trump Administration to secure the border; stop the smuggling of drugs, weapons, and people into Texas; and prevent, detect, and interdict transnational criminal activity between ports of entry.

Feb 13

Governor Abbott Announces New Braven Environmental Facility In Texarkana

Governor Greg Abbott today announced the third project under the new Texas Jobs, Energy, Technology, and Innovation (JETI) program is Braven Environmental, LLC (“Braven Environmental”).

Feb 12

Governor Abbott Announces Texas Semiconductor Innovation Fund Grant To Dongjin Semichem Texas

Governor Greg Abbott today announced that the second Texas Semiconductor Innovation Fund (TSIF) grant of $2,400,000 has been extended to Dongjin Semichem Texas, Inc. (“DST”) for their specialty chemicals and materials facility in Killeen, which is expected to create 24 new jobs and more than $110 million in capital investment.

Feb 12

Governor Abbott Celebrates Launch Of NYSE Texas

Governor Greg Abbott today celebrated the announcement by the New York Stock Exchange, part of Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. (NYSE: ICE), of plans to launch NYSE Texas, a fully electronic equities exchange to be headquartered in Dallas.

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Child Sex Trafficking Team

Working to prevent victimization and to recognize, recover, heal, and bring justice to survivors.

Appointments Office

Searching for the most qualified individuals in Texas to lead boards, commissions and other oversight groups in service to our state.

Economic Development

Promoting Texas with expanding companies and visitors from across the country and all over the world.