Governor Abbott Issues Statement On Texas Victims Of Nice Attack
Governor Greg Abbott today released the following statement upon receiving confirmation that Texas residents Sean Copeland and his son Brodie were among the victims in the Nice terrorist attack:
“In the wake of the most recent terrorist attack in France, Texans awoke on Friday morning to even more sad news as it was confirmed that members of a Texas family, Sean Copeland and his son Brodie, were among the victims,” said Governor Abbott. “While every heinous attack like this is tragic, this latest one hits close to home. Cecilia and I ask that Texans join us in praying for all of the victims, and especially the Copeland family as they mourn the loss of a devoted father and loving son. Now, more than ever, we must unite with our allies around the globe to end the scourge of radical Islamic terrorism that threatens our freedoms and civilization itself.”
For the second time in nine months, the French flag is being flown over the Texas Governor’s mansion in remembrance of the victims of the most recent terrorist attack in Nice.