Governor Abbott Files Appeal For Individual Assistance
Governor Greg Abbott today filed an appeal with President Obama for Individual Assistance for Collin, Dallas, Ellis, Franklin, Rockwall and Van Zandt counties. On January 26th, the State of Texas requested a Presidential Disaster Declaration due to damage sustained from severe weather in December 2015. Texas was granted Public Assistance on February 9th, but was denied Individual Assistance.
“Since May of 2015, the State of Texas has experienced a continuing pattern of destructive storms, severe flooding and tornadoes, resulting in multiple fatalities and severe damage to hundreds of homes and businesses,” writes Governor Abbott in the letter. “In eight months, Texas has endured a major wildfire eligible for a fire Management Assistance Grant and three federally declared disasters. The assistance received as a result of these earlier federal disasters has been vital, but many of the same communities are still in the recovery process from these earlier disasters, and assistance is still needed.”
Since Governor Abbott’s initial request, additional major and destroyed homes were added to the original numbers from the previous request, increasing the total of major and destroyed homes to 1,344.