Helping our neighbors in Louisiana

August 25, 2016

The tradition of neighbors helping neighbors is something that is inherent in us as Texans. And With the recent devastating flooding, our neighbors in Louisiana could use some help. It warms my heart to hear of Texans that are already helping out, such as Chow Train, a food truck from my hometown of San Antonio that traveled to Louisiana to help with disaster relief.

In the spirit of Texanthropy and helping those in need, I wanted to share information on ways Texans can help folks in Louisiana.

How Texans Can Help:

·Make Cash Contributions - In the immediate aftermath of a disaster, cash donations are the most efficient and effective way to support recovery efforts, as  they enable relief organizations to react quickly to provide the most relevant supplies and services.  For a list of vetted relief organizations, visit Louisiana Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster.

·Volunteer Opportunities – For a list of current volunteer opportunities, visit Volunteer Louisiana.