Guest Post: 4 Ways to Keep Texas Kids Safer this Summer

July 26, 2016

Below is a guest post from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Texas Regional Office:

Summer time brings adventures at summer camps, trips to amusement parks and memories to be made during family vacations. This is also the perfect time to review some tips to help keep your children safer during the next few months.

1. Remind your children to always CHECK FIRST with the adult in charge before they go anywhere or do anything and to CHECK IN regularly while gone.
2. Encourage your children to always TAKE A FRIEND when going anywhere.
3. Reassure your children that it is OK to SAY NO if something or someone makes them feel uncomfortable, scared or confused.
4. Emphasize to your children that they can TELL A TRUSTED ADULT about any situation that might make them feel uncomfortable, scared or confused.

View a complete list.

Have a safe and fun summer!