Extra Help During the Holidays

December 14, 2016

I wanted to share with you an article I recently read because I think it is a very important reminder:

Plenty of nonprofits looking for holiday help

As the article states, December is a particularly busy time for many nonprofits not only in the generous gifts they receive, but also in what they are giving. Families may need extra food for holiday meals, a little help with Christmas gifts for their kiddos. There are so many wonderful organizations across the state that help our fellow Texans year-round, but they may need a little extra help from us during the busy holiday season.

One organization I heard needed a little extra help this Christmas is Partnerships for Children, a nonprofit here in Austin that provides support for children who are in the care of Child Protective Services. During the holidays PFC has their Holiday Wishes Program, which provides Christmas gifts to the children it serves. I got word from PFC that they were low on gifts and may not have enough to fulfill every child’s wishes. So I answered the call to service by going shopping for toys and delivering them to their Toy Warehouse earlier this week.

Here I am visiting their toy warehouse, where elves were busy at work fulfilling the holiday wishes of Texas children.

Texans are generous by nature, and every day, year-round, we answer the call to service. But if you feel called to help out a little more this holiday season, I encourage you to find an organization in your community and see if there is anything you can do to help them during this particularly busy time of the year. ‘Tis the season!