Texanthropy Spotlight: Little Helping Hands

June 30, 2016

For the announcement of my Texanthropy initiative, I was fortunate to be joined by several Texans who are truly making a difference. That included Marissa Vogel, the founder of Little Helping Hands. This wonderful organization helps families with children as young as 3 years old find family-friendly, hands-on volunteer opportunities in the Austin community where the whole family can serve together.

With kids out of school for the summer, now would be a good time to get involved, if you feel called. Little Helping Hands can help you get involved through their wonderful work in the Austin community. If you have a young family with a passion for volunteering and helping others, I encourage you to reach out to them to find ways to give back. If you maybe don’t have time to volunteer but want to help out, check out the Wish List section of their website to find items you can donate. And if you are a nonprofit organization, you may be interested in partnering with Little Helping Hands.

By starting them young, Little Helping Hands is helping to create lifelong volunteers. If you’re interested in learning about ways you and your family can get involved in Little Helping Hands, visit their website: http://littlehelpinghands.org/.