
The Texas economy is resilient and employers around the state are currently looking to fill open positions. Discover which businesses are hiring in your area by visiting is a powerful online job matching and workforce services system developed and maintained by the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC).
The system provides fast access to a complete set of employment tools in one website. Job seekers can browse thousands of job postings, find education and training, complete résumés and/or state applications and maintain them online.
Texas Workforce Development Boards
In Texas, there are 28 locally managed workforce boards that coordinate activities with TWC and operate the local Workforce Solutions offices. In addition to locating jobs on, jobseekers can connect with their local Workforce Solutions office to access additional resources and assistance in training and finding a job.
The local Workforce Solutions offices are also available to employers of all sizes, who can get assistance to help recruit, identify and hire qualified individuals. And all of these services are available to both employers and job seekers at no cost.
Locate Workforce Solutions offices and services near you
Texas Workforce Development Board Websites
- Workforce Solutions Panhandle
- Workforce Solutions South Plains
- Workforce Solutions North Texas
- Workforce Solutions for North Central Texas
- Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County
- Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas
- Workforce Solutions Northeast Texas
- Workforce Solutions East Texas
- Workforce Solutions of West Central Texas
- Workforce Solutions Borderplex
- Workforce Solutions Permian Basin
- Workforce Solutions Concho Valley
- Workforce Solutions for the Heart of Texas
- Workforce Solutions Capital Area
- Workforce Solutions Rural Capital Area
- Workforce Solutions Brazos Valley
- Workforce Solutions Deep East Texas
- Workforce Solutions Southeast Texas
- Workforce Solutions Golden Crescent
- Workforce Solutions Alamo
- Workforce Solutions for South Texas
- Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend
- Workforce Solutions Lower Rio Grande Valley
- Workforce Solutions Cameron
- Workforce Solutions Texoma
- Workforce Solutions of Central Texas
- Workforce Solutions Middle Rio Grande
- Workforce Solutions Gulf Coast
American Job Centers (AJCs)
Nearly 2,400 AJCs nationwide help people search for jobs, find training, and answer other employment related questions. Search the directory to find an American Job Center in near you:
Directory of American Job Centers in Texas
Guidance for Self-Employed
The CARES Act includes provisions for temporary coverage of individuals who have exhausted their entitlement to regular Unemployment Compensation (UC) and individuals who are not eligible for regular UC, such as individuals who are self-employed or have limited recent work history. Self-employed individuals looking to file a claim are directed to do so online via Unemployment Benefits Services, or by calling a TWC Tele-Center any day between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. at 1-800-939-6631.