Celebrate With Us

Our 50th Anniversary celebrations aren’t complete without you: the members of our creative industries. Be a part of our celebration by sharing your memories and messages in your own creative way. Here are a few ways that we’re involving the community:
Share your story in a video message.
We’re putting the spotlight on you, our creative community! Submit a 1-3 minute video you’re your own stories: Favorite memories and experiences from a Texas production; how the TFC has helped you or your production; and what it means to be working in Texas.
Share a memory in an e-mail message.
If you have a favorite memory from working with the Texas Film Commission or about your experience on a Texas project from the past 50 years, we'd love to hear it.
Send us a postcard or letter.
Hey, we're celebrating 50 years - that's a lot of different forms of communication in our history! Send us something the good ol' fashioned way so that we can pin it up in our office as a keepsake!