Additional Grant Award

Projects may be eligible for a single additional grant equal to 2.5% of total in-state spending. If applying for an Additional Grant Award, the selection must be made on the project application. Additional awards will not be granted retroactively.
An applicant may select one Additional Grant Award:
Underutilized & Economically Distressed Areas
Projects that complete at least 25% of their total production days in underutilized or economically distressed areas of Texas may receive 2.5% additional incentive percentage to a base incentive rate.
Productions with one or more shooting locations not located in an underutilized or economically distressed area, but use a basecamp located in an underutilized or economically distressed area may credit the shooting locations for which the basecamp serves toward the required 25% of filming days necessary to receive the underutilized/economically distressed bonus of 2.5%.
Applicants must have paid financial consideration to the owner/leaseholder of the basecamp property to be eligible for this rule. The basecamp location must be listed on the call sheets and/or other relevant production documentation.
Underutilized Areas
- An underutilized area of Texas is an area that receives less than 15% of total film and television production in the state during a fiscal year as determined by the Texas Film Commission.
- Underutilized areas include any area of Texas outside the green 30-mile zones of Austin and Dallas City Halls. Underutilized areas are shaded blue on the interactive map below.
Economically Distressed Areas
- An economically distressed area of Texas is an area that has a median household income that does not exceed 75% of the median state household income.*
- Economically distressed areas exist within the green Austin and Dallas 30-mile zones and are shaded purple on the interactive map below.
Open Interactive Map
For projects that started production August 31, 2023 or prior, the interactive map is available here.
*All economically distressed data was gathered using the United States Census Bureau's most current B19013 American Community Survey with guidance from the Texas Demographic Center at the University of Texas at San Antonio.
Veteran Percentage
Projects that hire Texas Resident Veterans as 5% of their combined total paid Crew and paid Cast, including extras, may receive 2.5% additional incentive percentage to a base incentive rate.
- A Veteran is a person who served in and has been honorably discharged from the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force or Coast Guard; the National or Air National Guard of the United States; the Texas Army National Guard; the Texas Air National Guard; or a Reserve component of any of these military organizations.
- In addition to a valid Declaration of Texas Residency (DTR) form, productions must submit sufficient information confirming the Veteran’s status, including but not limited to military-issued discharge documentation, DD214 Form.
Projects that spend 10% of their total eligible in-state spending on eligible expenditures during postproduction may receive 2.5% additional incentive percentage to a base incentive rate.
- Eligible expenditures include labor, vendors, and music costs.
- Postproduction expenses may include, but are not limited to: animation, bug-fixing, codebase completion, compositing, editing, lighting, music, patch-creation, sound, testing and visual effects.
If you have any questions, please contact a member of the Incentives Department.