Create. Expand. Relocate.

Photo: Gov. Abbott speaks to music industry executives during a reception at the Governor's Mansion during SXSW 2016.
The Texas Music Office is the State of Texas' official economic development office for the Texas commercial music industry, and the office's resources are an unparalleled source of information into why the Texas Music industry annually has a multi-billion dollar economic impact on the state's economy.
"Music is key to the Texas brand and is deeply rooted in the cultural traditions of our great state. Music Friendly Texas Communities certified by the Texas Music Office work hard to attract and develop the local music industry to boost local job creation and economic growth," said Governor Greg Abbott. "In fact, with support from the Texas Music Office, the Texas music industry accounts for more than 192,000 direct and indirect permanent jobs and generates more than $26 billion in annual economic activity statewide. Together, we will continue to work alongside communities in every region of our state to amplify their growth and success.”
"Moreover, music is a crucial element of 'Brand Texas' that draws visitors from across the globe, a key element of recovery post-pandemic for the hospitality sector. As Texas looks to its economic development future, the creativity expressed through music is a fundamental comparative advantage – the goal remains to identify the key investments, policies, and regulatory changes that can support the monetization necessary for sustainability and growth." - 2023 Biennial Texas Music Economic Impact Study from the Texas Music Office and TXP, Inc. - Read all studies here
Our economic development team at the Texas Economic Development Division have joined us in creating incentives, programs, and workshops throughout Texas to provide opportunities and information that can help both small and large businesses. We have no doubt that after reviewing the programs that make Texas the #1 state for business, you’ll be ready to join our economy, which is so successful that we have become the 8th largest GDP economy in the world (if Texas were considered a nation).
Ready to make the move?
Please send a message to TMO Director Chip Adams or call (512) 463-6666. Also make sure to read the Texas Economic Development Guide, which includes various services to assist companies and their decision-makers with the expansion and relocation process.
Why Texas?
- Texas offers companies of all sizes and all industries one of the best business climates in the nation, with a fair, transparent tax and regulatory structure designed for businesses to succeed. The Lone Star State is committed to upholding its position as the Best State for Business—a title it has held now for the 20th consecutive year.
- With no corporate or personal income tax, companies doing business in Texas enjoy one of the lowest overall tax burdens in the country. In addition, Texas offers lower business operating cost when compared to other U.S. states.
- Powered by 55 Fortune 500 companies, thousands of publicly traded companies and 3.1 million small businesses, as well as and a diverse, skilled workforce of more than 15 million, the Texas economy is the 8th largest when compared to the nations of the world.
- Economic Development Finance, within the Texas Economic Development & Tourism Office, provides globally competitive, cost-effective financial tools to expanding businesses operating in the state and businesses relocating to Texas. Programs administered by this office include various grants, financing and tax refund programs, which all promote economic development, job creation and capital investment.
- Texas Economic Development Guide - This guide shows you how Texas consistently lands more corporate facility investment projects than any other state in America.
- Texas has the perfect combination of highly skilled, diverse talent and world-class schools that continue to meet the needs of businesses across all industries. The Lone Star State is home to more than 15 million industrious Texans, which are among the youngest in the nation.
- There are seven state university systems, 37 public four-year universities and 50 community college districts. The state is also home to six of the nation’s top 100 universities, according to U.S. News & World Report, and 11 Tier One research universities, which help develop a strong talent pipeline.
- The Lone Star State continuously invests in its workforce through programs such as the Skills Development Fund, the Texas Talent Connection Grant and the Governor’s University Research Initiative (GURI). GURI helps recruit nationally recognized researchers from around the world to the state of Texas, bolstering our state’s higher education institutions as we foster the workforce of the future.
- Texas is the gateway to global trade for the nation. Texas’ central location and state-of-the-art transportation networks provide timely access to domestic and global markets via air, land and sea. With more miles of public roadways, state highways, freight railways, airports and Foreign Trade Zones than any other state, it’s no surprise that Texas has led the nation in exports for the last two decades.
- Texas is known for its entrepreneurial spirit and rich history of innovation. Today, the Lone Star State boasts the best business climate in the nation. Home to 3.2 million small businesses, our state is focused on developing an environment where entrepreneurs have the freedom to aspire, grow and prosper. To contact the Small Business Assistance Team, please use the Governor’s Small Business Resource Portal and you will have the option to schedule a call with the team, at the end of the customized results list.
- Texas is a gateway to global trade and a leading location for foreign direct investment. The state’s strategic geographical location and robust infrastructure offer businesses easy access to customers worldwide. An increasing number of international companies continue to choose Texas for their next business investment.
State Incentives & Programs
- Texas Enterprise Fund: The Texas Enterprise Fund (TEF) is one of the nation’s largest “deal closing” funds created to attract businesses and new jobs to Texas. Since the program’s inception, the TEF has awarded approximately $677 million to companies that have committed to an expansion or relocation in Texas, which has resulted in over $34 billion in capital investment (as of 12/31/2020).
- Historically Underutilized Business Certification Program "HUB": The HUB program requires all Texas state agencies to make a good faith effort to use HUBs for purposes of contracting for construction services or commodity purchases. To obtain HUB certification, a business must be at least 51% owned by an Asian Pacific American, Black American, Hispanic American, Native American and/or American woman, and as a result of the recent legislative session, now service-rendered disabled veterans are considered a minority for purposes of the HUB program. A business must also be a for-profit entity that has not exceeded the size standards prescribed by 34 Texas Administrative Code §20.23, and has its principal place of business in Texas. Additionally, the business must have an owner residing in Texas with a proportionate interest that actively participates in the control, operations and management of the entity's affairs. The Texas Comptroller’s Office organizes and administers the HUB certification program.
- Sales Tax Exemption for Producers of Master Tapes: Many items purchased, used, rented or repaired during the studio master recording process are exempt from the 6.25 percent state sales and use tax, as well as local sales and use taxes. These exemptions are included in the Texas Tax Code Section 151.318, and the Comptroller of Public Accounts Administrative Rule 3.300.
- Events Trust Funds: The Legislature transferred the administration of the Events Trust Fund (“Program”) from the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts (“Comptroller’s Office”) to the Economic Development & Tourism Office (“EDT”) within the Office of the Governor (“OOG”) during the 84th Legislative Session, with an effective date of September 1, 2015. The Program consists of the Events Trust Fund (ETF), Major Events Reimbursement Program (MERP, formerly the “Major Events Trust Fund”) and Motor Sports Racing Trust Fund (MSRTF). The Program permits local governments and local organizing committees to apply to the State for the establishment of an event trust fund to help pay for certain eligible costs associated with conducting events if all statutory and administrative requirements are met under Article 5190.14, Section 5A to 5C, Vernon’s Texas Civil Statutes.
- Governor's Small Business Webinars: The Governor’s Small Business Team has launched a series of webinars to provide Texas small businesses and entrepreneurs with the resources they need during this crisis. Businesses receive timely, relevant, actionable information on COVID-19 recovery resources and will connect with local experts and support systems. Each webinar is custom tailored to provide education and training that is relevant to the small business needs of the audience for each respective topic.
- Governor's Small Business Resource Portal: Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur or an established business owner, the Governor’s Small Business Resource Portal will provide you with the most relevant resources and contacts to help you find success. This important tool offers a customized list of useful business resources to assist you in starting or growing your business in Texas.
- SCORE: SCORE stands for Service Corps. of Retired Executives and is a nonprofit association dedicated to helping small businesses get off the ground, grow, and achieve their goals through education and mentorship. SCORE has a variety of resources available to small businesses.
- Small Business Administration: The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) can provide a plethora of information on available loans and grants, small business workshops, advocacy efforts and much more.
- Small Business Development Centers "SBDCs": SBDCs provide assistance to small businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs throughout the United States. SBDCs help entrepreneurs realize the dream of business ownership and help existing businesses remain competitive in a complex, ever-changing global marketplace. SBDCs are hosted by leading universities and state economic development agencies, and funded in part through a partnership with SBA. SBDC advisors provide aspiring and current small business owners a variety of free business consulting and low-cost training services including: business plan development, manufacturing assistance, financial packaging and lending assistance, exporting and importing support, disaster recovery assistance, procurement and contracting aid, market research help, program support, and healthcare guidance. For more information on SBDCs and to find the closest SBDC is to you, please visit the SBA’s website, Texas Local Resources.
- Skills for Small Business Program: Skills for Small Business Program finances tuition and fees for community and technical college courses for current and newly hired employees of small businesses (fewer than 100 employees) in Texas, successfully merging small business needs and local training opportunities into a winning formula for putting people to work in Texas.