Yellow Jacket Stadium
Yellow Jacket Stadium
Cleburne, Texas (Johnson County)
Photo Credit: Cleburne Times Review
In 1939, work began to replace Rhome Field, where Cleburne high played home football games for twenty years. The works projects administration (WPA) provided most of the funding for the new $80,000 stadium built from concrete and rough cut Somervell county limestone. [Yellow Jacket Stadium] opened in fall 1941, with ivy-covered stands, pilasters, seating for 3800, ticket windows, and dressing rooms. The stadium has hosted football games, other sports, and community events.
Films Featured
12 Mighty Orphans (2022)
- Built from concrete and rough-cut Somervell County limestone all the way back in 1941, Cleburne’s Yellow Jacket Stadium is a one-of-a-kind location that served as the backdrop to a fiery halftime speech during the State Championship game in 12 Mighty Orphans.
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