Texas Film Commission To Award 100th Film Friendly Certified Designation To Graham, Texas
AUSTIN – The Texas Film Commission (TFC) will award its 100th Film Friendly Certified designation to the city of Graham, Texas. The Film Friendly Texas (FFTX) program was launched in 2007 and has since provided training and guidance to help statewide communities effectively accommodate on-location filming and market their communities as filming destinations. Certified communities attend FFTX training workshops held by the TFC, submit photos to be included in the TFC location database and pass approved and administratively enforceable filming guidelines for their community.
“The Texas Film Commission has the pleasure of working with civic leaders from across the state to help them activate their community’s unique assets and increase local economic activity through filming,” said TFC Director Heather Page. “Filmmakers love working all around Texas, so we are encouraged by this program’s success in expanding filming opportunities throughout the state. The TFC is grateful to the 100 communities and their representatives that put in the effort and training needed to encourage filmmaking in their communities. We look forward to adding more Film Friendly Certified communities so more regions can benefit from the economic opportunities the film industry can provide.”
To celebrate this milestone, the TFC will present its 100th Film Friendly Certificate to the city of Graham on Wednesday, August 31st at the Graham Visitor & Business Center.
More information on the Film Friendly Texas program.