Noticias y Anuncios – TFC Newsletter
Update on Sales Tax Exemptions & Refunds
The Texas Comptroller’s Office recently enacted a new rule that provides more guidance on sales tax exemptions and refunds that may be used during a production or by companies exploring the Media Production Development Zone program.
A Farewell from Director Heather Page
A message of gratitude before her final day as director.
TFC Newsletter, July 2017: Spend your summer on the Texas Classics Film Trail!
The July 2017 edition of our newsletter includes the release of our Texas Classics Film Trail, re-caps of set visits to "The Long Road Home" & "The Iron Orchard", job updates & more!
TFC Newsletter: April 2017
Behind the scenes of Nat Geo's "The Long Road Home" in Fort Hood
TFC Newsletter: January 2017
“Queen of the South” in Dallas, “The Son” April Premiere & “The Long Road Home” in Killeen
TFC Newsletter: November 2016
Texas Film Commission Newsletter, November 2016
TFC Newsletter: September 2016
Texas Film Commission Newsletter, September 2016
TFC Newsletter: July 2016
Texas Film Commission Newsletter, July 2016