‘Film Texas!’ Newsletter | May 1, 1977
In celebration of the Texas Film Commission's 50th Anniversary, we went to the archives to see how our history has been shaped by the initiatives, programs and productions from the past 50 years. View more from the archives here. #TFC50
May 1, 1977 | On this day in TFC History: The May, 1977 edition of the 'Film Texas!' newsletter celebrated the opening of the Texas State Railroad Historical Park in Rusk, Texas. The newsletter notes:
Ed McLaughlin, Superintendent of the park, and the man most responsible for getting the line running, is actively seeking film work for the train. A 1917 Baldwin locomotive belonging to the railroad has already collected one screen credit in HOW THE WEST WAS WON, back before it came to the TSR.
The Texas State Railroad would indeed go on to find film work in the coming years, appearing in such productions as The Long Riders (1980), Streets of Laredo (1995) and American Outlaws (2001), among others.