What The Music Modernization Act Means To You
"The Music Modernization Act, which was signed by President Trump...provided a much-needed update to outdated copyright laws. While a great victory for creators and rights-holders, it should be just the first step, argues SoundExchange president/CEO Michael Huppe."
"The Music Modernization Act may have unanimously passed the House and garnered support from songwriters, publishers, and DSPs, but the bill has faced a few obstacles ahead of November. On this episode of The Future of What, host Portia Sabin (Kill Rock Stars) checks in with key players and look ahead at how the MMA could change our business. Featured guests include Blake Morgan (IRespectMusic), David Israelite (NMPA), Richard Burgess (A2IM), and Daryl Friedman (NARAS)," writes A2IM.
"Congress recently passed the Music Modernization Act, which is a rare bill in modern American politics: everyone seems to like it! The MMA, as it’s called, was celebrated by musicians, streaming services, record labels, and consumer groups alike. It simplifies how streaming services pay songwriters, changes how the law deals with music recorded before 1972, and helps producers collect more royalties," write The Verge.