Texas State Musician Nominations Due October 15
Nominations for the next Texas State Musician - and Poet Laureate, and Visual Artist (2D and 3D) - are open through October 15. Any Texas citizen can nominate a living Texas artist for the Texas Legislature's highest honor for artists. Artists will be selected for both 2021 and 2022, so nominate more than one artist to join folks like Willie Nelson, Ray Benson, Little Joe Hernandez (pictured here receiving the honor in 2019 at the State Capitol), Shelley King, Emily Gimble, and more as honorees.
The Texas State Legislature designates Texas State Artists during each Legislative Session. Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA) manages the Texas State Artists nomination process. These positions, including state poet laureate, state musician, state two-dimensional artist and state three-dimensional artist, are one-year appointments. Appointees are selected for their years of excellence and dedicated commitment to the arts in Texas.
Texas State Artists represent the best of Texas’ rich and diverse artistic community. These individuals inspire others through their unique creative expression. This designation is our state’s highest recognition for excellence in the arts.
In even-numbered years, a call is issued to the citizens of Texas to submit nominations in any of the four categories, and self-nominations are encouraged. Texas citizens may nominate more than one artist for this honor. TCA reviews all nominations and develops a list of finalists for submission to the Texas Poet Laureate, State Musician and State Artist Committee. The committee, composed of members appointed by the governor, lieutenant governor and speaker of the Texas House of Representatives, makes the final selections. The Texas State Legislature officially designates the Texas State Artists during the Legislative Session.
Honor the Texas musicians - and poets & visual artists - you admire by nominating them to be the next official Texas State Artist!
Quick tips:
- Any Texas citizen can submit a nomination.
- Self-nominations are accepted.
- You can nominate more than one person.
- Nominees must be still living.
- Nominees must be individuals (Sorry, bands and groups).
The deadline for nominations is October 15, 2020.