Sci-fi Festival
July 8, 2022 to July 9, 2022
The Kokomo Outdoor Theatre 2400 West Marshall, Longview, TX
Sobre el evento:
Event Producer:
The Kokomo Theatre LLC
Kelli Grant, Owner
2400 West Marshall; Longview, TX 75604
(903) 918-2132
Music: Rock, Doowop, Rock-a-billy
Activities: Music festival, Music and a Movie
The Roswell Incident of 1947 had the country watching the skies wondering if we are alone in the universe. As the flying saucer phenomenon swept the country the music began to Rock. Festival features the Piano Poundin', Rhythm Rockin', Bass Kickin' showman and Female Artist of the Year the Queen of Swing Kelli Grant. The festival rocks their audience back to 50s with covers of Elvis, Bill Haley, Fats Domino, Ray Charles and more. Grab your poodle skirts and comb your ducktails for great fun. The Kokomo Theatre, "a drive-in theatre without the cars" is a Branson style outdoor amphitheatre theatre located in Longview, TX. Bring your lawn chair to enjoy a wonderful evening of Music & Movie. Gate pass admission. After the concert watch a classic Sci-Fi thriller from yesteryear. July 9th $15. All night movie marathon after the concert. Snack Bar open: Soda, Water, Candy, Popcorn, Hot Dogs, Frito Pie, and their own Kokomoat Float (No alcohol, firearms, hoodies; no vulgar language, dress or behavior; No outside food, drinks or coolers allowed).
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